Phone Number 8004447171
Cairo con Memphis y Sakkara
Oriente Euros  ∙ 
4 days
from $ 1032.00

Cairo con Memphis y Sakkara

Day 1 - El Cairo
El Cairo

Day 1 - El Cairo

Arrival at Cairo airport, where our staff will be waiting to take you to your hotel. Free time in the Egyptian capital, the largest city in Africa. Accommodation.
Day 2 - Cairo - Menphis - Sakkara  -Cairo
Cairo - Menphis - Sakkara  -Cairo

Day 2 - Cairo - Menphis - Sakkara  -Cairo

Desayuno. Salida para el recinto de las tres Pirámides de Gizeh; Keops, Kefren y Micerinos (entrada al interior de las Pirámides no incluida ) , donde se halla la única de las Siete Maravillas que pertenece al Mundo Antiguo: la Gran Pirámide de Keops. Este famoso monumento de 230 metros de altura se caracteriza por el enorme complejo funerario con una esfinge gigante que preside la cabeza del rey Kefrén con un cuerpo de león. Almuerzo incluido y a continuación visitará la ciudad de MENFIS, la antigua capital de Egipto hacia el año 3.100 a.C. En este punto conocerá las maravillas que exhibe Mit Rahina, un museo al aire libre en el que destacan la gigantesca estatua de Ramsés II, tallada en piedra caliza, y la esfinge de alabastro, una majestuosa escultura de 10 metros que permanece intacta. Más tarde tendrá la oportunidad de conocer la necrópolis de SAQARA, un complejo que la UNESCO declaró Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad. Aquí destacan el conjunto funerario del rey Zoser y su pirámide escalonada. Esta última se trata de la primera construcción en piedra erigida del mundo y simboliza la evolución de la construcción piramidal. Regreso al hotel al final de la tarde para descansar. Alojamiento.

Day 3 - Cairo

Day 3 - Cairo

Breakfast. Outing to visit the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities,  featuring the treasure of Tutankhamun, among numerous collections of objects from  the epoch with priceless cultural value. The entry to this complex will provide  you a unique opportunity to see how that civilization worked in great detail.  We shall later see the historic Cairo area, that the UNESCO declared  Heritage of Humanity. This area was founded in the 10th Century as a royal  compound for the Caliphs, thus being full of mosques and other Islamic  buildings of great historic importance. Here we shall visit Saladin’s  Citadel, a fortress above which the imposing Mohamed Ali Mosque rises, as  well as various museums and gardens hidden within its walls. Lunch included,  and you will then be able to visit the Coptic Neighbourhood, an area  of the city that featured a melting pot of religions in the course of history.  Among its monuments there are the Hanging Church, built on the Babylonian  Fortress; the Church of Saint Sergius, where it is believed that the Holy  Family were exiled in Egypt when they fled from Herod; or the Ben Ezra Synagogue,  one of the oldest in the country, that dates back to the 7th Century. And last,  you may stroll through the picturesque Khan el-Khalili souk, an old trading  area from the 14th Century where you may now acquire all kinds of souvenirs while  participating in traditional haggling. You will later be transferred back to  the hotel. Accommodation
Day 4 - Cairo

Day 4 - Cairo

Breakfast. Free time until transfer to Cairo airport (included) to board your  flight. End of our services.

Tour Includes

General Services: Travel by bus with Spanish speaking guide, basic travel insurance, hotel and breakfast buffet.
Includes arrival transfer
Excursion: Recinto arqueológico de las Pirámides, Menfis y Saqara
2 Lunch included in: CAIRO, CAIRO
Includes departure transfer
Cairo: Giza pyramid light and sound show.
Cairo: Khan El-Khalili bazaar.
Cairo: Saladin citadel and alabaster mosque.

Planned Hotels

Grand Nile Tower
Corniche El Nil1548; Garden City1548; Cairo Governorate, Egipto
El Cairo, Egypt
Hotel Helnan Dreamland
Wahat Road 6 Th Of October City-giza
El Cairo, Egypt
Swiss In Pyramids Golf Resort
Al Wahat Road, 6Th Of October City
El Cairo, Egypt
Hotel Concorde El Salam
69 Abd El Hameed Badawi, st El Nozha
El Cairo, Egypt
Triumph Plaza
Intersection Of Ihsan Abdel Kodous St. with, El-Khalifa El-Maamoun, st, Cairo
El Cairo, 11757 - Egypt
Cairo Pyramids
Alexandria Road, Pyramids - Giza P.O Box 1 Giza / Cairo Egypt
El Cairo, BOX 1 GIZA - Egypt
Hilton Pyramids Golf
El Wahat Rd, First 6th of October, Giza Governorate 3294303, Egipto
El Cairo, 3294303 - Egypt
Radisson Blu Heliopolis
Abdel Hamid Badawi St, Sheraton Al Matar, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate 11787, Egipto
El Cairo, 11787 - Egypt
Holiday Inn Cairo Citystars
Ali Rashed Street, Masaken Al Mohandesin, Nasr City, Cairo
El Cairo, Egypt

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