Phone Number 8004447171
Pekín y Tokio
Asia / Oceanía  ∙ 
6 days
Beijing | Tokyo
from $ 1633.00

Pekín y Tokio

Beijing, Tokyo

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 5


Day 6

Day 1 - Beijing

Day 1 - Beijing

Welcome to China. Transfer to the hotel.

Early in the evening, to familiarise ourselves with the city, we provide a transfer to Wangfujing street, a pedestrian and commercial street full of life with many shops and restaurants. Dinner included and return to hotel.
Day 2 - Beijing

Day 2 - Beijing

An exciting day awaits us. We will discover the main points of interest in the Chinese capital. We will have a full day visit in which we will visit some of the main avenues in the city. The Great Chinese Imperial Palace, better known as "The Forbidden City", the most majestic architectural complex in China from where 24 emperors ruled for almost 500 years. We will also have the opportunity to visit Jingshan Park where the Coal Hill is located, one of the best preserved imperial gardens in Beijing. We ascend to the top of the hill to have the best views (if the day is clear) on the Forbidden City. We will walk through the immense Tiananmen Square one of the largest squares in the world, and from them, we will appreciate the Great National Theater, Beijing Opera House. Lunch is included. Today, we will also visit the SUMMER PALACE, the Imperial House of the Qing Dynasty with its beautiful gardens and lakes. In the afternoon we include a tricycle ride through the traditional neigbourhood of Beijing, known as Hutong. In this area we can see the typical life style in these popular neighborhood, visit typical shops and even a traditional house, a Siheyuan, with all its lounges around a courtyard. Return to the hotel and overnight.
Day 3 - Beijing

Day 3 - Beijing

Today’s programme includes an excursion to visit the GREAT WALL OF CHINA (section Mutianyu). spectacular architectural work. Its history covers more than 2000 years. The day will include a cable car ride up and down to one of the most scenic areas. Returning to Beijing, we will stop in the 798 th district, with its contemporary art located in an old military factory. We will also visit the TEMPLE OF HEAVEN, one of the country’s largest sacred complexes and a World Heritage Site. Before returning to the hotel, and as a way to rest from this intense day, we will enjoy a foot massage and we will take a Tai Chi class. We will bid farewell to Beijing with a lacquered duck dinner included.
Day 4 - Beijing -Tokyo
Beijing -Tokyo

Day 4 - Beijing -Tokyo

Tras el desayuno traslado al aeropuerto para tomar un vuelo con destino Tokio (vuelo incluido).

Tokio ¡Bienvenidos a Japón! Tras sus trámites de frontera y aduana un asistente (normalmente de habla española, aunque en ocasiones puede ser en inglés) le estará esperando. Traslado en transporte colectivo (SHUTTLE BUS) a su hotel.   

18.30 hrs.- Nos encontramos con nuestro guía en la recepción del hotel. Conoceremos los integrantes de nuestro grupo y tras ello daremos un paseo nocturno. Al final de la tarde nos vamos a introducir en este fascinante país yendo en metro (billetes incluidos) a la zona de Shinjuku. Podrá ver las masas de personas que utilizan el modernísimo y eficaz transporte colectivo. A continuación, iremos dando un paseo para descubrir esta zona que cuenta con una animada vida nocturna.Cena incluida de bienvenida en restaurante local. Regreso al hotel nuevamente en metro acompañados por nuestro guía.   

NOTA: En alguna ocasión y dependiendo de los vuelos de llegada de los viajeros, el traslado en metro y la cena se podrán realizar durante la tarde noche del día siguiente.
Day 5 - Tokyo

Day 5 - Tokyo

In the morning, we take part in a 5-hour trip with our guide to see this amazing city, with its hustle and bustle and extremely modern districts that coexist with quiet, peaceful areas. Brief stop at the Zojoji Temple to make a beautiful photograph of the Tokyo Tower. Pay attention to the hundred of Jizos, stone traditional protecting deities who guide us on our travels, give power to those who are weak (such children) and those in dangerous places, and who are dressed including hats, robes and windmills. Then we head to the junction of Shibuya, a junction that is said to be the most crowded in the world. The Meiji Temple is dedicated to the Emperor Meiji, his wife, and their spirits. We continue on our bus along the elegant street of Omotesando. We will edge the most beautiful part of the Imperial Palace and the gardens. Stop to visit the famous Nijubashi Bridge. We will pass through the district of Akihabara, the “electric town” with icons from the popular Japanese Manga and Anime culture and then see Kokugikan, the Sumo stadium, home of this Japanese sport. We will also visit the Buddhist temple of Sensoji, the oldest and most important temple in Tokyo, with its 55-metre high pagoda. Then we will have some free time to visit the traditional commercial street of Nakamise in the district of Asakusa. Lunch included in a local restaurant. Return to hotel.

Free time in the afternoon.

NOTE: During the Japanese Olympics, accommodation may be given near Narita airport.

Day 6 -
After breakfast, end of our services.

Tour Includes

General Services: Travel by bus with Spanish speaking guide, basic travel insurance, hotel and breakfast buffet.
Includes arrival transfer
City tour in: BEIJING, TOKYO
Excursion: Tricycle ride through the traditional neigbourhood, Great Wall of China Mutianyu section
2 Cenas Incluidos en: Pekin, Pekin
Evening transfer: Wangfujing street, Shinjuku
Ticket admission: The Forbidden City, Jingshan Park, Summer Palace, Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Temple of Heaven, foot massage, Tai Chi class , Metro , Zojoji Temple, Meiji Temple, Sensoji Temple
Funicular: Great Wall of China
2 Lunch included in: BEIJING, TOKYO
2 dinner included in: BEIJING, BEIJING
Flights included: Beijing - Tokyo
Tokio: From Metropolitan Tower we will have a fantastic sightseeing of the city
Beijing: The capital of China is a huge city.
Tokio: Japan´s capital, full of life and light
Beijing: Jingshan Park
Tokio: From Metropolitan Tower we will have a fantastic sightseeing of the city
Beijing: Jingshan Park
Tokio: We will use the modern and efficient public transport
Beijing: The capital of China is a huge city.

Planned Hotels

Mercure Beijing Downtown
No.16 Jia,Xi Da Wang Road, Chaoyang, CP 100124,BEIJING
Pekin, 100124 - China
Grand Concordia
No. 26 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100016
Pekin, 100016 - China
Shinagawa Prince Hotel
10-30 Takanawa 4-chome, Minato-ku
Tokio, 108-8611 - Japan

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